Reconnaissance for Bug Bounties

 The course covers an in-depth approach to any target. For a deeper knowledge of what’s going on behind the scenes, this course covers All the Tools & Techniques for Penetration Testing & Bug Bounties. By the end of this course, you will be armed with powerful skills for your professional engagements.

Price : ₹499

The course covers an in-depth approach to any target. For a deeper knowledge of what’s going on behind the scenes, this course covers All the Tools & Techniques for Penetration Testing & Bug Bounties.
With this course, we will learn How to increase the scope via Subdomain Enumeration. We will also see Github Recon to find sensitive information.

You will also learn:
Subdomain Discovery
Parameter Fuzzing
Content Discovery
Analysing Web technologies
Visual Recon
NMAP for bug bounties

+ In Scope Expansion we will learn about subdomain enumeration uising various tools
+ We will utilise some of the wordlists like Seclists, All.txt
+ Content Discovery includes tools such as Dirsearch and Gobuster, which are useful for locating sensitive target endpoints such as db.conf or env files, which may include DB usernames and passwords. Sensitive information, such as periodic backups or source code, might potentially be discovered, posing a threat to the entire system.
+ in CMS Identification we will learn and understand about Wappalyzer, Builtwith, Netcraft, Whatweb. As Banner Grabbing and identifying information about the target is the foremost step, we will identify the underlying technologies which will enable us to narrow down the approach which will lead to success

What will students learn in your course? —

Learn the most effective way of Reconnaissance
Learn a better approach for Bug Bounties
Learn Advance Nmap Usage
Get Premium resources
Content Discovery
Visual Recon
Github Recon
Subdomain Enumeartion
Recon Methodologies



What are the requirements or prerequisites for taking your course? —

A basic knowledge of linux commands
Basic IT Skills
A Computer or Laptop with Internet Connection


Who is this course for? —

Anybody interested in learning Web Pentesting
Developers who wants to fix vulnerabilities and build secure applications
Beginners in Cyber Security Industry